Exhibit At Aquatherm Moscow 2023

Crocus Expo

At Aquatherm Moscow, companies will present domestic and industrial heating, water supply, engineering and plumbing systems, equipment for swimming pools, saunas and spas​

​At your stand you can demonstrate your products and present new products to an interested professional audience.

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Benefits of exhibiting at Aquatherm Moscow

  • participants can find new customers and partners,​
  • meet customers from different countries and regions and conclude new contracts,​
  • demonstrate their products, tools, and equipment to the target audience,​
  • announce new products and present them to the broad professional public,​


  • study competitors’ offers,​
  • receive instant feedback from potential customers,​
  • analyse the market environment and the competitiveness of their products,​
  • meet with expert colleagues.​

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Aquatherm Moscow visitors are your target audience​

  • 17 907 specialists visited Aquatherm Moscow 2022​
  • 17 058 (95%) came to look for products and services for business and to get the latest industry information​
  • 16 120 (94%) influence the decision to purchase products presented at the trade show​
  • 13 788 (77%) plan to purchase products following the visit to the exhibition​​

Visitors Aquatherm Moscow are from different regions​

In 2022, 17 907 specialists from 34 countries and 81 regions of Russia visited the exhibition despite pandemic restrictions. Of these 10 048 specialists were from Moscow and the Moscow region, and 7 859 were from other regions of Russia. ​

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Aquatherm Moscow visitors are interested in your products​

Every year the exhibition gathers only a professional audience interested in your products. Aquatherm Moscow exhibition is visited representatives of wholesale and retail trade and specialists and of design, installation, and construction organizations.​

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