Butt Welding Machines for HDPE Pipe and Fittings

Butt Welding Machine

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W2000 Butt Welding Machine

W2000 Butt Welding Machine
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W2000 Butt Welding Machine Main Body

The main body supports and centres the plastic pipes with two fixed and two movable clamps.

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W2000 Butt Welding Machine Trimmer

The trimmer is the tool which cleans and smoothes the both ends of the pipes before the heating process with its blades on both sides.

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W2000 Butt Welding Machine Heater

The pipe ends will be heated by this heater before the welding process.

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W2000 Butt Welding Machine Control Unit

The necessary electric will be transfered to the heater and trimmer by means of this unit and to the main machine by the hydraulic pressure.

How Does It Work?


Big Machine

W2000 hdpe butt welding machine provides parallel movement of pipes with hydraulic system

Ideal welding

It provides the opportunity to adjust and apply the necessary pressure with the regulator for ideal welding.

Seamless Welding

Precisely adjusts the required temperature for ideal welding and enables the operator to weld smoothly.


It enables the operator to perform the welding process smoothly using the correct time parameters.

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Elborweltech International awards and certificates

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Butt Welding Machines for HDPE Pipe and Fittings

Frequently asked Questions

How to find welding pressure?

In the user manual in the machine tool bag and in the weldcode app

How do we weld in inclined condition?

Since there is a locking feature in the hydraulic system, the pipes will not escape back.

What should we do if the machine does not work even though there is electricity?

Change the cable locations of the main cable connected to the machine panel as it is a phase protection relay.

What do we do when the hydraulics run out?

Use 46 grade hydraulic oil

Is it okay if we open it without waiting for the cooling period at the end of the welding?

The cooling time must wait as long as specified in the standard, and the source will not be healthy in early opening.

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